Living in Terre Haute, Indiana, in the 1970s, it was unlikely that a Catholic school boy would not hear of and/or visit Saint Mary's of the Woods, the motherhouse of the Sisters of Providence, founded by Mother Theodore Guerin. Most of the sisters that taught in town were Sisters of Providence including my Religion teacher, Sister Rose Ellen. I have a very funny recollection of Sister Rose Ellen due to the fact that one Christmas mother and I were making out her Christmas card and we did not spell her name correctly, which of course, she did not overlook to mention. The funny thing about the naming of Catholic nuns is that some names were combined forms and others were simply two names. Mother and I had gone for Roselyn or something to that fact but it so happened that she had the two names Rose and Ellen. Later, one of my principals would be named Sister Rose Edward and that was much easier to decipher, that and I had reached 8th grade by then.
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